Keep Iguanas Away from Your Pool


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How to Keep Iguanas Away from Your Pool: A Battle of Wills

Iguanas, those big, scaly reptiles, can be a real nuisance when they decide to take a dip in your pool. And let's face it, they can be quite messy! They leave behind droppings and can even damage your pool liner. But don't worry, there are plenty of effective ways to keep these unwelcome guests out of your pool.

The Iguana Invasion: A Nuisance and a Health Hazard

Iguanas are not only an eyesore, but they can also pose a health hazard. Their droppings can contaminate your pool water, leading to the spread of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. In addition, iguanas can carry salmonella, which can cause serious health problems if ingested.

Iguana Exclusion: Reclaiming Your Pool

The best way to keep iguanas away from your pool is to make your pool area as unwelcoming as possible. Here are a few effective strategies:

  1. Install a fence: A fence around your pool is the most effective way to keep iguanas out. Make sure the fence is at least 6 feet tall and has no gaps or holes.

  2. Remove hiding places: Iguanas love to hide in vegetation, so keep your pool area clear of plants and debris.

  3. Keep your pool clean: Iguanas are attracted to dirty water, so make sure to keep your pool clean and free of debris.

  4. Use a pool cover: When you're not using your pool, keep it covered to prevent iguanas from getting in.

  5. Remove iguanas humanely: If you find iguanas in your pool, remove them humanely by using a net or a trap. Relocate them to a safe area away from your pool.

By following these tips, you can keep iguanas away from your pool and enjoy a clean, safe swimming experience.

Removing Iguanas from a Pool

Your home's pool is one of the best parts about your home to relax and enjoy with your family. Having to share your pool with iguanas, however, is not enjoyable. Iguanas can dirty your pool through their feces, and they can carry diseases that are harmful to humans.

1. Eliminating Hiding Spots

Iguanas need places to hide to feel safe. If you can eliminate the hiding spots in your yard, you can discourage iguanas from coming into your yard and getting into your pool. Common places for iguanas to hide include:

Eliminating Hiding Spots

  • In trees
  • Under bushes
  • In dense vegetation
  • In piles of rocks or wood
  • In sheds or other outbuildings

If you have any of these types of hiding spots in your yard, try to eliminate them. Trim back trees and bushes, clear out dense vegetation, and remove piles of rocks or wood. You can also seal up any holes in your shed or other outbuildings to prevent iguanas from getting inside.

2. Using Physical Barriers

Physical barriers can be a great way to keep iguanas out of your pool. There are a number of different types of physical barriers that you can use, such as:

Using Physical Barriers

  • Fencing: Fencing is a great way to keep iguanas out of your yard altogether. Iguanas are good climbers, so you will need to make sure that your fence is at least 6 feet tall. You should also bury the bottom of the fence at least 1 foot deep to prevent iguanas from digging under it.
  • Pool covers: Pool covers are a great way to keep iguanas out of your pool when you are not using it. Make sure to get a pool cover that is specifically designed to keep out iguanas. Iguanas have sharp claws, so you will need to make sure that the pool cover is made of a durable material.
  • Landscaping: Landscaping can be used to create a natural barrier that will discourage iguanas from coming into your yard. Iguanas do not like to cross open spaces, so you can plant thorny bushes or other plants that iguanas will not want to walk through.

3. Using Chemical Deterrents

There are a number of different chemical deterrents that you can use to keep iguanas away from your pool. These deterrents typically contain ingredients that iguanas find unappealing, such as:

Using Chemical Deterrents

  • Capsaicin: Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers. It is a powerful irritant that can cause iguanas to experience burning and itching. You can find capsaicin-based iguana deterrents at most hardware stores.
  • Ammonia: Ammonia is a strong-smelling chemical that iguanas find unpleasant. You can apply ammonia to the perimeter of your pool to deter iguanas from coming near.
  • Naphthalene: Naphthalene is a chemical that is used in mothballs. It has a strong odor that iguanas find repellent. You can place mothballs around your pool to keep iguanas away.

4. Using Natural Predators

Iguanas have a number of natural predators, such as:

Using Natural Predators

  • Cats: Cats are natural predators of iguanas. If you have a cat, it will likely help to keep iguanas away from your pool.
  • Snakes: Snakes are also natural predators of iguanas. If you live in an area where snakes are common, they may help to keep iguanas away from your pool.
  • Birds of prey: Birds of prey, such as hawks and owls, are also natural predators of iguanas. If you live in an area where birds of prey are common, they may help to keep iguanas away from your pool.

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