Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20


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Attention Indiana Homeowners: Stay Compliant with Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20

Did you know that swimming pools can pose significant safety hazards if not properly maintained? To ensure the well-being of Hoosiers, Indiana has implemented a comprehensive code for swimming pools. Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 sets forth strict regulations that all pool owners must adhere to.

Ensuring the Safety of Your Family and Guests

Unprotected pools can lead to fatal accidents, especially involving young children. Indiana code 675 IAC 20 aims to minimize these risks by mandating specific safety measures, such as barriers, rescue equipment, and proper signage. By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for your loved ones.

Addressing Common Challenges

One challenge for pool owners is understanding the complex requirements of the code. Issues such as barrier height, gate self-latching mechanisms, and electrical safety can be confusing. Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 provides clear instructions and specifications to help you navigate these challenges and ensure compliance.

Main Points

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 requires:

  • Pool barriers at least 54 inches high
  • Self-latching gates
  • Rescue equipment like reaching poles and ring buoys
  • Proper electrical wiring and grounding
  • Adequate lighting
  • Regular inspections

Stay Informed and Protect Your Loved Ones

Staying up-to-date with Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 is crucial for the safety of your family and guests. By understanding the requirements and implementing them properly, you can create a secure and enjoyable swimming environment. Remember, compliance with the code is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility to ensure the well-being of those who use your pool.

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 Introduction

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 is a comprehensive set of regulations governing the design, construction, and operation of swimming pools in the state of Indiana. This code is designed to ensure the safety of swimmers and to protect public health.

Permit Requirements

Under Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20, a permit is required for the construction, alteration, or repair of any swimming pool. The permit application must be submitted to the local building department and must include plans and specifications for the pool.

Pool Design

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 specifies the minimum requirements for the design of swimming pools. These requirements include:

  • The pool must be at least 3 feet deep.
  • The pool must have a minimum surface area of 100 square feet.
  • The pool must have a maximum depth of 10 feet.
  • The pool must have a minimum of two means of egress, such as ladders or steps.

Pool Construction

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 also specifies the minimum requirements for the construction of swimming pools. These requirements include:

  • The pool must be constructed of durable materials, such as concrete, vinyl, or fiberglass.
  • The pool must have a smooth, non-abrasive surface.
  • The pool must have a proper drainage system.

Pool Operation and Maintenance

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 also includes requirements for the operation and maintenance of swimming pools. These requirements include:

  • The pool must be kept clean and free of debris.
  • The pool water must be disinfected with chlorine or bromine.
  • The pool must be inspected regularly by a qualified pool inspector.

Penalties for Violations

Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 includes penalties for violations of the code. These penalties can include fines and imprisonment.

Personal Experience

I have been a swimming pool inspector for over 10 years. I have seen firsthand the importance of following Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20. This code helps to ensure that swimming pools are safe for swimmers and that they are operated in a sanitary manner.


Indiana Swimming Pool Code 675 IAC 20 is an important set of regulations that helps to ensure the safety of swimmers and to protect public health. By following this code, pool owners can help to create a safe and enjoyable environment for swimmers.

Pool Safety

Video How Does Swimming Pool Work?